Package-level declarations

Lenses, defining projection matrix.


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data class FrustumLens<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val left: T, val right: T = -left, val bottom: T, val top: T = -bottom, val near: T, val far: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Lens<T>

A lens for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.

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interface Lens<T : Number, Comparable<T>>

An interface for a lens.

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data class OrthographicLens<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val left: T, val right: T = -left, val bottom: T, val top: T = -bottom, val near: T, val far: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Lens<T>

A lens for an orthographic (parallel) projection defined by a given set of clipping planes: left, right, bottom, top, near and far.

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data class PerspectiveLens<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val fovY: Angle<T>, val aspect: T, val near: T, val far: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Lens<T>

A lens for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.


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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> FrustumLens(left: T, right: T = -left, bottom: T, top: T = -bottom, near: T, far: T): FrustumLens<T>

Returns a new lens for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> OrthographicLens(left: T, right: T = -left, bottom: T, top: T = -bottom, near: T, far: T): OrthographicLens<T>

Returns a new lens for an orthographic (parallel) projection defined by a given set of clipping planes: left, right, bottom, top, near and far.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> PerspectiveLens(fovY: Angle<T>, aspect: T, near: T, far: T): PerspectiveLens<T>

Returns a new lens for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.