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Glimpse is an open-source project aimed to make OpenGL simple.

The source code is written in Kotlin and it is intended to be used with Kotlin.

Glimpse is distributed under Apache License Version 2.0.

Glimpse Philosophy

Glimpse aims to solve 2 major issues when it comes to implementing OpenGL applications:

  1. The initial setup is usually the most painful part of working with OpenGL. Most problems are caused by:
    • missing or incorrectly ordered calls to OpenGL functions, when no exceptions are thrown, but the visual effect is not as expected;
    • miscalculated transformation matrices, which are virtually impossible to debug.
  2. Different platforms use different bindings for the OpenGL API, which are not compatible, e.g. Android implementation provides static methods, while JOGL requires using an instance of OpenGL interface.

The first issue is solved by adding another layer of abstraction on top of OpenGL. Glimpse implements typical use cases, providing a much more natural interface to the application developer.

To solve the second issue, Glimpse is implemented as a Kotlin Multiplatform library, with the common code independent of the underlying OpenGL implementation. In principle, it even allows for non-OpenGL implementations.

Currently, Glimpse supports the following implementations:

  • Android
  • Desktop Java (JOGL):
    • Windows
    • macOS
    • Linux

What Glimpse Is NOT

Glimpse is NOT a game engine. Even though it builds another layer of abstraction on top of OpenGL, it is still a relatively low-level library.

Gradle Setup

When implementing a Glimpse application, include the following dependencies in your build.gradle.kts:




// If you want Glimpse Processor to generate Java code:

// If you want Glimpse Processor to generate Kotlin code:
// Read about limitations of generated Kotlin sources:


// If you want to use platform-specific UI components:

// If you want to use Compose multiplatform UI components:


// If you want to load meshes from Wavefront OBJ files:

// If you want to render images offscreen:

If you are still using Groovy scripts in your project, include the following dependencies in your build.gradle:


implementation 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-core:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'


// If you want Glimpse Processor to generate Java code:
kapt 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-processor-java:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'

// If you want Glimpse Processor to generate Kotlin code:
kapt 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-processor-kotlin:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'
// Read about limitations of generated Kotlin sources:


// If you want to use platform-specific UI components:
implementation 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-ui:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'

// If you want to use Compose multiplatform UI components:
implementation 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-ui-compose:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'


// If you want to load meshes from Wavefront OBJ files:
implementation 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-obj:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'

// If you want to render images offscreen:
implementation 'graphics.glimpse:glimpse-offscreen:[GLIMPSE_VERSION]'

Core Features

Rendering Callback

To use Glimpse for rendering, you must create your own implementation of GlimpseCallback.

Run all operations that should be executed only once in onCreate(). In most cases, this includes:

  • basic configuration (clear color, depth test, face culling, etc.),
  • building meshes,
  • loading textures,
  • compiling shaders and linking programs.

Handle viewport changes in onResize(), including updates to cameras and lenses. At this stage, GlimpseAdapter.glViewport() should be called.

Run all per-frame operations in onRender(), including rendering itself. Don’t forget to call GlimpseAdapter.glClear().

Call all dispose() methods in onDestroy()

OpenGL Adapter

Abstraction layer is built on top of GlimpseAdapter, which provides a common OpenGL interface on all supported platforms.

In most cases, GlimpseAdapter is merely passed as a parameter to other components, but it needs to be called directly for most basic operations:

override fun onCreate(gl: GlimpseAdapter) {
    gl.clearColor(Vec4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f))

Basic Types


To avoid the confusion with angle measurement units, Glimpse uses a data class Angle, containing both deg and rad values.

To create an angle, call one of the available factory methods:


Glimpse will automatically use correct measurement unit required in each supported use case.


Glimpse defines 2D, 3D and 4D vector types: Vec2, Vec3 and Vec4.

Vec2 can also be used as texture coordinates, while Vec3 and Vec4 can act as colors without or with alpha channel respectively.

For more information, visit the API docs.


There are 2×2, 3×3 and 4×4 matrices defined in Glimpse—Mat2, Mat3 and Mat4—implementing all sorts of operations, such as multiplication, transposition or inversion.

A number of utility functions provide an easy way to create matrices for various affine transformations.

For more information, visit the API docs.


Buffers provide data arrays to shaders. They are the foundation, meshes and models are built on top of. In most cases, there is no need to use buffers explicitly.

To allow future support for non-JVM platforms, Glimpse introduces wrappers for java.nio buffers:

Meshes And Models

A Mesh defines a set of vertices the way they are rendered. Currently, only meshes of triangles are supported out-of-the-box, but it is possible to create a custom mesh that consists of points, lines, quads, etc.

Building Mesh Data

Note: This section describes manual mesh data creation. In most cases, however, the desired way to go is to use Wavefront OBJ files.

To create a mesh, MeshData is required, which can be built with a MeshDataBuilder:

val triangleMeshData = MeshDataBuilder()
    .addVertex(Vec3(-1f, -1f, 0f))
    .addVertex(Vec3(1f, 1f, 0f))
    .addVertex(Vec3(0f, 0f, 1f))
    .addTextureCoordinates(Vec2(0f, 0f))
    .addTextureCoordinates(Vec2(2f, 0f))
    .addTextureCoordinates(Vec2(1f, 1f))
    .addNormal(Vec3(0f, -1f, 0f))
    .addNormal(Vec3(1f, 0f, 0f))
    .addNormal(Vec3(0.7f, -0.7f, 0f))
            MeshDataBuilder.FaceVertex(0, 0, 0),
            MeshDataBuilder.FaceVertex(1, 1, 1),
            MeshDataBuilder.FaceVertex(2, 2, 2),

Method buildArrayMeshData() builds a non-indexed mesh. Indexed mesh data implementations are currently not available.

Creating A Mesh

With an instance of ArrayMeshData built with a MeshDataBuilder, a Mesh can now be created:

override fun onCreate(gl: GlimpseAdapter) {
    val meshFactory = Mesh.Factory.newInstance(gl)
    val mesh = meshFactory.createMesh(meshData)

To draw different meshes, create a custom implementation of Mesh interface. Custom implementations of MeshData are not supported.


You can implement Model interface to combine a Mesh and a model transformation matrix in a single object.


Building A Texture Image Source

An instance of TextureImageSource can be built with a TextureImageSourceBuilder, which implements a set of platform-specific methods and extension functions that allow using different texture image sources.

The desktop implementation allows for loading textures from:

  • InputStreams,
  • Files,
  • resources.

For example:

    .fromResource(this, "bricks.png")

The Android implementation provides the following texture image sources:

  • Bitmaps,
  • Files,
  • assets.

For example:

    .fromAsset(context, "bricks.png")

Prepared Texture Image Sources

Instead of using build() method of TextureImageSourceBuilder, you may call buildPrepared(), which returns a TextureImageSource containing a pre-loaded texture image.

Creating a texture from a prepared texture image source is quicker, and therefore reduces the workload of OpenGL thread. On the other hand, a prepared image source consumes much more memory, and thus it should be used with caution.

For example, on Android:

    .fromAsset(context, "bricks.png")

Desktop implementation of buildPrepared() additionally requires the GLProfile used by the GLJPanel:

    .fromResource(this, "bricks.png")

Building Textures

Once a TextureImageSource is built, it can be used to create a Texture.

Texture Builder allows for building textures from multiple sources in a convenient way:

override fun onCreate(gl: GlimpseAdapter) {
    val textures = Texture.Builder.getInstance(gl)

Cameras And Lenses


Implementations of Camera interface help to calculate a view matrix.

  • FreeCamera is not bound to any specific target. Its orientation is determined by its roll, pitch and yaw rotation angles.
  • TargetCamera looks at a specific target point in space.
  • RelativeTargetCamera also looks at a specific point in space, but its position is defined using spherical coordinates relative to the target.


Projection matrix can be calculated using Lens interface.

  • OrthographicLens provides orthographic projection matrix.
  • FrustumLens provides a perspective projection matrix defined by a given frustum.
  • PerspectiveLens provides a perspective projection matrix defined by a field of view angle.

Shaders And Programs



UI Components


Java Swing

Multiplatform Compose

Advanced Features

Wavefront OBJ Files

Offscreen Rendering

API Docs

Visit API Docs website to see the latest documentation.