
actual class TextureImageSourceBuilder

A builder for a TextureImageSource.

expect class TextureImageSourceBuilder

A builder for a TextureImageSource.

actual class TextureImageSourceBuilder

A builder for a TextureImageSource.


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fun TextureImageSourceBuilder()
fun TextureImageSourceBuilder()


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actual object Companion
expect object Companion
actual object Companion


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actual fun build(): TextureImageSource

Builds a TextureImageSource with the provided parameters.

expect fun build(): TextureImageSource

Builds a TextureImageSource with the provided parameters.

actual fun build(): TextureImageSource

Builds a TextureImageSource with the provided parameters.

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fun buildPrepared(): TextureImageSource

Builds a prepared TextureImageSource with the provided parameters.

fun buildPrepared(profile: GLProfile): TextureImageSource

Builds a prepared TextureImageSource with the provided parameters and a given OpenGL profile.

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fun fromBitmap(bitmapProvider: BitmapProvider): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from a bitmap provided by bitmapProvider.

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fun fromInputStream(inputStreamProvider: InputStreamProvider): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from an input stream provided by inputStreamProvider.

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fun withFilename(filename: String): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source with a given filename.


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fun TextureImageSourceBuilder.fromAsset(context: Context, fileName: String): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from an asset with a given fileName.

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fun TextureImageSourceBuilder.fromFile(file: File): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from a given file.

fun TextureImageSourceBuilder.fromFile(file: File): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from a given file.

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fun TextureImageSourceBuilder.fromResource(owner: Any, name: String): TextureImageSourceBuilder

Will build a texture source from a resource with a given name, associated with a given owner.