Package graphics.glimpse.processor.poet.model

Models used by code generators.


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abstract class AbstractShaderParamsModelBuilder(classNameMatcher: ClassNameMatcher, messager: Messager) : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Unit, Element>
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data class AttributeModel(    val name: String,     val arrayBufferIndex: Int,     val vectorSize: Int,     val comment: String)
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class AttributeModelBuilder(annotationMirror: AnnotationMirror, messager: Messager) : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Unit, String>
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interface ClassNameMatcher
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data class ShaderParamsModel(    val originatingElement: Element,     val annotatedPackageName: String,     val annotatedSimpleName: String,     val uniforms: List<UniformModel>,     val attributes: List<AttributeModel>)
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data class UniformModel(    val propertyAccessorName: String,     val name: String,     val type: UniformModel.Type,     val comment: String)
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class UniformModelBuilder(    annotationMirror: AnnotationMirror,     element: Element,     classNameMatcher: ClassNameMatcher,     messager: Messager) : SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Unit, String>