
abstract class BaseProgramExecutor<T>(program: Program) : ProgramExecutor<T>

Base for generated ProgramExecutor implementations.


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fun BaseProgramExecutor(program: Program)


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abstract fun applyParams(gl: GlimpseAdapter, shaderParams: T)

Applies shader parameters from an instance of ShaderParams-annotated type T.

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open override fun dispose()

Clears cached locations of variables.

open override fun dispose(gl: GlimpseAdapter)

Clears cached locations of variables and disposes the program.

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abstract fun drawMesh(gl: GlimpseAdapter, mesh: Mesh)

Draws a given mesh using the program contained in the executor.

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open override fun useProgram(gl: GlimpseAdapter)

Tells the given OpenGL adapter to use the program contained in the executor.


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open override val isDisposed: Boolean

true if this object has been disposed.