
enum TextureMinFilter : Enum<TextureMinFilter>

Texture minifying function.


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Returns the value of the texture pixel that is nearest (in taxicab metric) to the center of the fragment being textured.

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Returns the weighted average of the four texture pixels that are closest to the center of the fragment being textured.

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Finds the mipmap most closely matching the size of the fragment being textured and uses the NEAREST function to calculate a texture value.

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Finds the mipmap most closely matching the size of the fragment being textured and uses the LINEAR function to calculate a texture value.

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Finds the two mipmaps most closely matching the size of the fragment being textured, uses the NEAREST function to calculate a texture value from each mipmap, and returns a weighted average of those two values.

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Finds the two mipmaps most closely matching the size of the fragment being textured, uses the LINEAR function to calculate a texture value from each mipmap, and returns a weighted average of those two values.


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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int