
actual fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

Since v1.1.0, there is no need to call this function explicitly. To change texture wrapping, use texture builder.

expect fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

Since v1.1.0, there is no need to call this function explicitly. To change texture wrapping, use texture builder.

actual fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

Since v1.1.0, there is no need to call this function explicitly. To change texture wrapping, use texture builder.