
class Quad(    val texture: <Error class: unknown class>,     var position: <Error class: unknown class> = Vec2.nullVector,     origin: <Error class: unknown class> = Vec2(x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f)) : BaseHudElement, HudAtom

A single quad.

A quad is the most atomic element of HUD.


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fun Quad(    texture: <Error class: unknown class>,     position: <Error class: unknown class> = Vec2.nullVector,     origin: <Error class: unknown class> = Vec2(x = 0.5f, y = 0.5f))


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object Companion


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open override fun addInputEventListener(listener: HudElement.InputEventListener)

Adds given input events listener to this element.

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open override fun handleInputEvent(position: <Error class: unknown class>, event: Any?): Boolean

Handles given input event at given position.

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open override fun removeInputEventListener(listener: HudElement.InputEventListener)

Removes given input events listener from this element.


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open override val atoms: Iterable<HudAtom>

A singleton list consisting of this quad.

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open override val boundingBox: BoundingBox

Bounding box of this quad.

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var height: Float

Height of this quad.

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open val intrinsicHeight: Float

Intrinsic height of this atom.

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open val intrinsicWidth: Float

Intrinsic width of this atom.

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open override var isVisible: Boolean = true

true if this element is visible.

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open override val modelMatrix: <Error class: unknown class>

Output model matrix for this quad.

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open override var position: <Error class: unknown class>

Position of this element.

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var rotation: <Error class: unknown class>

Rotation angle of this quad.

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open override val texture: <Error class: unknown class>

Texture of this quad.

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var width: Float

Width of this quad.