
data class RelativeTargetCamera<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val target: Vec3<T>, val distance: T, val longitude: Angle<T>, val latitude: Angle<T>, val upVector: Vec3<T> = Vec3.unitZ(target.type)) : Camera<T>

A camera pointed at the given target, and located at the given distance from it, with the given longitude and latitude angles, while preserving the defined upVector.


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constructor(target: Vec3<T>, distance: T, longitude: Angle<T>, latitude: Angle<T>, upVector: Vec3<T> = Vec3.unitZ(target.type))


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val distance: T

Distance from the target.

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open override val eye: Vec3<T>

Position of the camera eye.

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Camera latitude relative to the target.

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Camera longitude relative to the target.

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val target: Vec3<T>

Position of the camera target.

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Up-vector preserved for the camera.

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open override val viewMatrix: Mat4<T>

View matrix defined by the camera.