Package-level declarations

Core data types.

Core data types.

Core data types.


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Combined angle measure in degrees and radians.

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data class AngleRange<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val start: Angle<T>, val endInclusive: Angle<T>) : ClosedRange<Angle<T>>

A range of values of type Angle.

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abstract class BaseMat<T : Number, Comparable<T>, M : Mat<T, M, V>, V : Vec<T>>(dimension: Int) : Mat<T, M, V>

Base implementation of a square matrix with a given dimension.

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interface Mat<T : Number, Comparable<T>, M : Mat<T, M, V>, V : Vec<T>>

A common interface for square matrix implementations.

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data class Mat2<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(elements: List<T>, val type: KClass<T>) : BaseMat<T, Mat2<T>, Vec2<T>>

A 2×2 matrix.

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data class Mat3<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(elements: List<T>, val type: KClass<T>) : BaseMat<T, Mat3<T>, Vec3<T>>

A 3×3 matrix.

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data class Mat4<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(elements: List<T>, val type: KClass<T>) : BaseMat<T, Mat4<T>, Vec4<T>>

A 4×4 matrix.

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interface Vec<T : Number, Comparable<T>>

A common interface for vector implementations.

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data class Vec2<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val x: T, val y: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Vec<T>

2D vector with coordinates (x, y).

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data class Vec3<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val x: T, val y: T, val z: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Vec<T>

3D vector with coordinates (x, y, z).

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data class Vec4<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val x: T, val y: T, val z: T, val w: T, val type: KClass<T>) : Vec<T>

4D vector with coordinates (x, y, z, w).


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fun <T : Number> atan(x: T): T

Returns tangent of number x.

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fun <T : Number> atan2(y: T, x: T): T

Returns tangent of number (y/x).

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> cos(angle: Angle<T>): T

Computes the cosine of the given angle.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.div(other: Number): T

Returns quotient of this number and the other number.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> frustum(left: T, right: T, bottom: T, top: T, near: T, far: T): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> frustum(left: T, right: T, bottom: T, top: T, near: T, far: T, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a projection matrix for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> lookAt(eye: Vec3<T>, target: Vec3<T>, upVector: Vec3<T>): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> lookAt(eye: Vec3<T>, target: Vec3<T>, upVector: Vec3<T>, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a view matrix defined by an eye position, a target point, and an upVector.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> magnitude(vector: Vec2<T>): T
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> magnitude(vector: Vec3<T>): T

Returns the magnitude of the given vector.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Mat2(elements: List<T>): Mat2<T>

Returns a new 2×2 matrix from given elements.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Mat3(elements: List<T>): Mat3<T>

Returns a new 3×3 matrix from given elements.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Mat4(elements: List<T>): Mat4<T>

Returns a new 4×4 matrix from given elements.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> max(a: T, b: T): T

Returns larger of the given values a and b.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> min(a: T, b: T): T

Returns lesser of the given values a and b.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.minus(other: Number): T

Returns difference of this number and the other number.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> mirror(normal: Vec3<T>, origin: Vec3<T>): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> mirror(normal: Vec3<T>, origin: Vec3<T>, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for mirroring through a plane passing through the origin point, and perpendicular a given normal vector.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> normalize(vector: Vec2<T>): Vec2<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> normalize(vector: Vec3<T>): Vec3<T>

Returns a unit vector in the direction of the given vector.

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inline fun <T : Number> one(): T

Returns value of one for type T.

fun <T : Number> one(type: KClass<T>): T

Returns value of one for given type.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> orthographic(left: T, right: T, bottom: T, top: T, near: T, far: T): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> orthographic(left: T, right: T, bottom: T, top: T, near: T, far: T, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a projection matrix for an orthographic (parallel) projection defined by a given set of clipping planes: left, right, bottom, top, near and far.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> perspective(fovY: Angle<T>, aspect: T, near: T, far: T): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> perspective(fovY: Angle<T>, aspect: T, near: T, far: T, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a projection matrix for a perspective projection defined by a given frustum.

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operator fun <T : Number> Number): T

Returns sum of this number and the other number.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.rem(other: Number): T

Returns remainder of dividing this number by the other number.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotation(axis: Vec3<T>, angle: Angle<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for a rotation by a given angle around a given axis.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationX(angle: Angle<T>): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationX(angle: Angle<T>, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for a rotation by a given angle around X axis.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationY(angle: Angle<T>): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationY(angle: Angle<T>, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for a rotation by a given angle around Y axis.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationZ(angle: Angle<T>): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> rotationZ(angle: Angle<T>, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for a rotation by a given angle around Z axis.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> scale(scale: T): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> scale(scale: T, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for scaling by a given scale.

inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> scale(x: T = one(), y: T = one(), z: T = one()): Mat4<T>
fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> scale(x: T, y: T, z: T, type: KClass<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for scaling by a given scale in x, y and z directions.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> sin(angle: Angle<T>): T

Computes the sine of the given angle.

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fun <T : Number> sqrt(x: T): T

Returns square root of number x.

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inline fun <T : Number> List<T>.sum(): T
fun <T : Number> List<T>.sum(type: KClass<T>): T

Returns sum of the numbers in this list.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> tan(angle: Angle<T>): T

Computes the tangent of the given angle.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.times(other: Number): T

Returns product of this number and the other number.

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Returns a Compose Color representation of this Vec3.

Returns a Compose Color representation of this Vec4.

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Returns a color int representation of this Vec3.

Returns a color int representation of this Vec4.

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Returns an array of elements of this matrix.

Returns an array of coordinates of this vector.

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Returns an array of elements of this matrix.

Returns an array of coordinates of this vector.

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Returns an array of coordinates of this vector.

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Returns an array of coordinates of this vector.

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Returns a Vec3 representation of this color int.

Returns a Vec3 representation of this Color.

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Returns a Vec4 representation of this color int.

Returns a Vec4 representation of this Color.

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fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> translation(vector: Vec3<T>): Mat4<T>

Creates a transformation matrix for a translation by a given vector.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.unaryMinus(): T

Returns a number opposite to this number.

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operator fun <T : Number> T.unaryPlus(): T

Returns this number.

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inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Vec2(x: T, y: T): Vec2<T>

Returns a new 2D vector with coordinates (x, y).

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fun Vec3(@ColorInt color: Int): Vec3<Float>

Returns a Vec3 representation of a given color.

inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Vec3(x: T, y: T, z: T): Vec3<T>

Returns a new 3D vector with coordinates (x, y, z).

fun Vec3(color: Color): Vec3<Float>

Returns a Vec3 representation of a given color.

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fun Vec4(@ColorInt color: Int): Vec4<Float>

Returns a Vec4 representation of a given color.

inline fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>> Vec4(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T): Vec4<T>

Returns a new 4D vector with coordinates (x, y, z, w).

fun Vec4(color: Color): Vec4<Float>

Returns a Vec4 representation of a given color.

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inline fun <T : Number> zero(): T

Returns value of zero for type T.

fun <T : Number> zero(type: KClass<T>): T

Returns value of zero for given type.