
data class Section2<T : Number, Comparable<T>>(val start: <Error class: unknown class><T>, val end: <Error class: unknown class><T>)

2D line section with given start and end points.




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constructor(start: <Error class: unknown class><T>, end: <Error class: unknown class><T>)


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operator fun contains(point: <Error class: unknown class><T>): Boolean

Returns true if given point is on this section.

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fun distanceTo(point: <Error class: unknown class><T>): T

Returns distance between this section and given point to this section.

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fun intersectionWith(other: Section2<T>): <Error class: unknown class><T>?

Calculates intersection point of this section and given other section.

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fun projectionOf(point: <Error class: unknown class><T>): <Error class: unknown class><T>

Returns projection of given point onto this section.


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val asVector: <Error class: unknown class><T>

This section as a vector from start point to end point.

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Bounding box of this section.

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val direction: <Error class: unknown class><T>

Direction unit vector for this section.

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val end: <Error class: unknown class><T>

End point of this section.

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val length: T

Length of this section.

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val start: <Error class: unknown class><T>

Start point of this section.