
data class BoundingBox(val left: Float, val right: Float, val top: Float, val bottom: Float)

Bounding box of an element of HUD.


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constructor(left: Float, right: Float, top: Float, bottom: Float)


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operator fun contains(point: <Error class: unknown class><Float>): Boolean

Returns true if given point is inside this bounding box.


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Y coordinate of the bottom side of this bounding box.

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Height of this bounding box.

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val left: Float

X coordinate of the left side of this bounding box.

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val midpoint: <Error class: unknown class><Float>

Midpoint of this bounding box.

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X coordinate of the right side of this bounding box.

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val top: Float

Y coordinate of the top side of this bounding box.

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Width of this bounding box.