
actual class GlimpseAdapter

Glimpse OpenGL adapter.

expect class GlimpseAdapter

Glimpse OpenGL adapter.

actual class GlimpseAdapter

Glimpse OpenGL adapter for the given GL ES 2.0.


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fun GlimpseAdapter()
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fun GlimpseAdapter(gles: GL2ES2)


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object Companion


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actual fun booleanOf(value: Int): Boolean

Returns a boolean value for the given integer value.

expect fun booleanOf(value: Int): Boolean

Returns a boolean value for the given integer value.

actual fun booleanOf(value: Int): Boolean

Returns a boolean value for the given integer value.

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actual fun glActiveTexture(textureIndex: Int)

Selects active textureIndex starting with 0.

expect fun glActiveTexture(textureIndex: Int)

Selects active textureIndex starting with 0.

actual fun glActiveTexture(textureIndex: Int)

Selects active textureIndex starting with 0.

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actual fun glAttachShader(programHandle: Int, shaderHandle: Int)

Attaches shader identified by a given shaderHandle to program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glAttachShader(programHandle: Int, shaderHandle: Int)

Attaches shader identified by a given shaderHandle to program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glAttachShader(programHandle: Int, shaderHandle: Int)

Attaches shader identified by a given shaderHandle to program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glBindBuffer(type: BufferType, bufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given bufferHandle to a given buffer type.

expect fun glBindBuffer(type: BufferType, bufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given bufferHandle to a given buffer type.

actual fun glBindBuffer(type: BufferType, bufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given bufferHandle to a given buffer type.

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actual fun glBindFramebuffer(framebufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given framebufferHandle to a framebuffer target.

expect fun glBindFramebuffer(framebufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given framebufferHandle to a framebuffer target.

actual fun glBindFramebuffer(framebufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given framebufferHandle to a framebuffer target.

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actual fun glBindRenderbuffer(renderbufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given renderbufferHandle to a renderbuffer target.

expect fun glBindRenderbuffer(renderbufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given renderbufferHandle to a renderbuffer target.

actual fun glBindRenderbuffer(renderbufferHandle: Int)

Binds a given renderbufferHandle to a renderbuffer target.

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actual fun glBindTexture(type: TextureType, textureHandle: Int)

Binds a given textureHandle to a given texture type.

expect fun glBindTexture(type: TextureType, textureHandle: Int)

Binds a given textureHandle to a given texture type.

actual fun glBindTexture(type: TextureType, textureHandle: Int)

Binds a given textureHandle to a given texture type.

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actual fun glBlendingFunction(sourceFactor: BlendingFactorFunction, destinationFactor: BlendingFactorFunction)

Sets functions for computing source and destination factors.

expect fun glBlendingFunction(sourceFactor: BlendingFactorFunction, destinationFactor: BlendingFactorFunction)

Sets functions for computing source and destination factors.

actual fun glBlendingFunction(sourceFactor: BlendingFactorFunction, destinationFactor: BlendingFactorFunction)

Sets functions for computing source and destination factors.

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actual fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: FloatBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of floating point values and fills it with data.

actual fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: IntBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of integer values and fills it with data.

expect fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: FloatBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of floating point values and fills it with data.

expect fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: IntBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of integer values and fills it with data.

actual fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: FloatBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of floating point values and fills it with data.

actual fun glBufferData(    type: BufferType,     data: IntBufferData,     usage: BufferUsage)

Creates a buffer of integer values and fills it with data.

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actual fun glCheckFramebufferStatus(): FramebufferStatus

Returns completeness status of a framebuffer.

expect fun glCheckFramebufferStatus(): FramebufferStatus

Returns completeness status of a framebuffer.

actual fun glCheckFramebufferStatus(): FramebufferStatus

Returns completeness status of a framebuffer.

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actual fun glClear(vararg buffers: ClearableBufferType)

Clears given buffers to the predefined clear values.

expect fun glClear(vararg buffers: ClearableBufferType)

Clears given buffers to the predefined clear values.

actual fun glClear(vararg buffers: ClearableBufferType)

Clears given buffers to the predefined clear values.

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actual fun glClearColor(color: Vec3)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color with alpha channel set to fully opaque.

actual fun glClearColor(color: Vec4)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color.

expect fun glClearColor(color: Vec3)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color with alpha channel set to fully opaque.

expect fun glClearColor(color: Vec4)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color.

actual fun glClearColor(color: Vec3)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color with alpha channel set to fully opaque.

actual fun glClearColor(color: Vec4)

Sets clear values for color buffers to color.

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actual fun glClearDepth(depth: Float)

Sets clear value for the depth buffer to depth.

expect fun glClearDepth(depth: Float)

Sets clear value for the depth buffer to depth.

actual fun glClearDepth(depth: Float)

Sets clear value for the depth buffer to depth.

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actual fun glCompileShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Compiles a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

expect fun glCompileShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Compiles a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

actual fun glCompileShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Compiles a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

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actual fun glCreateProgram(): Int

Creates a program and returns its handle.

expect fun glCreateProgram(): Int

Creates a program and returns its handle.

actual fun glCreateProgram(): Int

Creates a program and returns its handle.

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actual fun glCreateShader(shaderType: ShaderType): Int

Creates a shader of a given shaderType and returns its handle.

expect fun glCreateShader(shaderType: ShaderType): Int

Creates a shader of a given shaderType and returns its handle.

actual fun glCreateShader(shaderType: ShaderType): Int

Creates a shader of a given shaderType and returns its handle.

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actual fun glCullFace(faceCullingMode: FaceCullingMode)

Sets facets to be culled to faceCullingMode.

expect fun glCullFace(faceCullingMode: FaceCullingMode)

Sets facets to be culled to faceCullingMode.

actual fun glCullFace(faceCullingMode: FaceCullingMode)

Sets facets to be culled to faceCullingMode.

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actual fun glDeleteBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes buffers represented by given bufferHandles.

expect fun glDeleteBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes buffers represented by given bufferHandles.

actual fun glDeleteBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes buffers represented by given bufferHandles.

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actual fun glDeleteFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes framebuffers represented by given framebufferHandles.

expect fun glDeleteFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes framebuffers represented by given framebufferHandles.

actual fun glDeleteFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes framebuffers represented by given framebufferHandles.

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actual fun glDeleteProgram(programHandle: Int)

Deletes a program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glDeleteProgram(programHandle: Int)

Deletes a program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glDeleteProgram(programHandle: Int)

Deletes a program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glDeleteRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes renderbuffers represented by given renderbufferHandles.

expect fun glDeleteRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes renderbuffers represented by given renderbufferHandles.

actual fun glDeleteRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Deletes renderbuffers represented by given renderbufferHandles.

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actual fun glDeleteShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Deletes a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

expect fun glDeleteShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Deletes a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

actual fun glDeleteShader(shaderHandle: Int)

Deletes a shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

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actual fun glDeleteTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Deletes textures represented by given textureHandles.

expect fun glDeleteTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Deletes textures represented by given textureHandles.

actual fun glDeleteTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Deletes textures represented by given textureHandles.

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actual fun glDepthTest(depthTestFunction: DepthTestFunction)

Sets the given depthTestFunction.

expect fun glDepthTest(depthTestFunction: DepthTestFunction)

Sets the given depthTestFunction.

actual fun glDepthTest(depthTestFunction: DepthTestFunction)

Sets the given depthTestFunction.

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actual fun glDisableBlending()

Disables blending.

expect fun glDisableBlending()

Disables blending.

actual fun glDisableBlending()

Disables blending.

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actual fun glDisableLineSmooth()

Disables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

expect fun glDisableLineSmooth()

Disables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

actual fun glDisableLineSmooth()

Disables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

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actual fun glDisableProgramPointSize()

Disables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

expect fun glDisableProgramPointSize()

Disables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

actual fun glDisableProgramPointSize()

Disables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

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actual fun glDisableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Disables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

expect fun glDisableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Disables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

actual fun glDisableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Disables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

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actual fun glDrawArrays(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, starting with offset.

expect fun glDrawArrays(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int = 0)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, starting with offset.

actual fun glDrawArrays(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, starting with offset.

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actual fun glDrawElements(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, using a buffer of vertex array indices, starting with offset.

expect fun glDrawElements(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int = 0)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, using a buffer of vertex array indices, starting with offset.

actual fun glDrawElements(    mode: DrawingMode,     count: Int,     offset: Int)

Draws a given number of primitives of type specified by mode, using a buffer of vertex array indices, starting with offset.

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actual fun glEnableBlending()

Enables blending.

expect fun glEnableBlending()

Enables blending.

actual fun glEnableBlending()

Enables blending.

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actual fun glEnableLineSmooth()

Enables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

expect fun glEnableLineSmooth()

Enables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

actual fun glEnableLineSmooth()

Enables rasterized line anti-aliasing.

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actual fun glEnableProgramPointSize()

Enables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

expect fun glEnableProgramPointSize()

Enables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

actual fun glEnableProgramPointSize()

Enables setting size of rasterized points in vertex shader.

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actual fun glEnableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Enables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

expect fun glEnableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Enables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

actual fun glEnableVertexAttribArray(location: Int)

Enables vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

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actual fun glFramebufferRenderbuffer(attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType, renderbufferHandle: Int)

Attaches renderbuffer to a framebuffer.

expect fun glFramebufferRenderbuffer(attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType, renderbufferHandle: Int)

Attaches renderbuffer to a framebuffer.

actual fun glFramebufferRenderbuffer(attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType, renderbufferHandle: Int)

Attaches renderbuffer to a framebuffer.

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actual fun glFramebufferTexture2D(    attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType,     textureType: TextureType,     textureHandle: Int)

Attaches texture image to a framebuffer.

expect fun glFramebufferTexture2D(    attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType,     textureType: TextureType,     textureHandle: Int)

Attaches texture image to a framebuffer.

actual fun glFramebufferTexture2D(    attachmentType: FramebufferAttachmentType,     textureType: TextureType,     textureHandle: Int)

Attaches texture image to a framebuffer.

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actual fun glGenBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates buffer handles and writes them to a given bufferHandles array.

expect fun glGenBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates buffer handles and writes them to a given bufferHandles array.

actual fun glGenBuffers(bufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates buffer handles and writes them to a given bufferHandles array.

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actual fun glGenerateMipmap(type: TextureType)

Generates mipmaps for the currently selected texture of a given type.

expect fun glGenerateMipmap(type: TextureType)

Generates mipmaps for the currently selected texture of a given type.

actual fun glGenerateMipmap(type: TextureType)

Generates mipmaps for the currently selected texture of a given type.

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actual fun glGenFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates framebuffer handles and writes them to a given framebufferHandles array.

expect fun glGenFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates framebuffer handles and writes them to a given framebufferHandles array.

actual fun glGenFramebuffers(framebufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates framebuffer handles and writes them to a given framebufferHandles array.

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actual fun glGenRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates renderbuffer handles and writes them to a given renderbufferHandles array.

expect fun glGenRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates renderbuffer handles and writes them to a given renderbufferHandles array.

actual fun glGenRenderbuffers(renderbufferHandles: IntArray)

Generates renderbuffer handles and writes them to a given renderbufferHandles array.

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actual fun glGenTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Generates texture handles and writes them to a given textureHandles array.

expect fun glGenTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Generates texture handles and writes them to a given textureHandles array.

actual fun glGenTextures(textureHandles: IntArray)

Generates texture handles and writes them to a given textureHandles array.

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actual fun glGetAttributeLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of attribute variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glGetAttributeLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of attribute variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glGetAttributeLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of attribute variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glGetProgramDeleteStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been marked for deletion.

expect fun glGetProgramDeleteStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been marked for deletion.

actual fun glGetProgramDeleteStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been marked for deletion.

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actual fun glGetProgramInfoLog(programHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glGetProgramInfoLog(programHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glGetProgramInfoLog(programHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glGetProgramLinkStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully linked.

expect fun glGetProgramLinkStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully linked.

actual fun glGetProgramLinkStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully linked.

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actual fun glGetProgramValidateStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully validated.

expect fun glGetProgramValidateStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully validated.

actual fun glGetProgramValidateStatus(programHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if program identified by a given programHandle has been successfully validated.

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actual fun glGetShaderCompileStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been successfully compiled.

expect fun glGetShaderCompileStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been successfully compiled.

actual fun glGetShaderCompileStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been successfully compiled.

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actual fun glGetShaderDeleteStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been marked for deletion.

expect fun glGetShaderDeleteStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been marked for deletion.

actual fun glGetShaderDeleteStatus(shaderHandle: Int): Boolean

Returns true if shader identified by a given shaderHandle has been marked for deletion.

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actual fun glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

expect fun glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

actual fun glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderHandle: Int): String

Returns information log for the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

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actual fun glGetUniformLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of uniform variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glGetUniformLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of uniform variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glGetUniformLocation(programHandle: Int, name: String): Int

Returns location of uniform variable with a given name from program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glLineWidth(lineWidth: Float)

Sets width of rasterized lines to a given lineWidth.

expect fun glLineWidth(lineWidth: Float)

Sets width of rasterized lines to a given lineWidth.

actual fun glLineWidth(lineWidth: Float)

Sets width of rasterized lines to a given lineWidth.

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actual fun glLinkProgram(programHandle: Int)

Links program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glLinkProgram(programHandle: Int)

Links program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glLinkProgram(programHandle: Int)

Links program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glMaxTextureSize(type: TextureType): Int

Gets maximum size of a texture of a given type.

expect fun glMaxTextureSize(type: TextureType): Int

Gets maximum size of a texture of a given type.

actual fun glMaxTextureSize(type: TextureType): Int

Gets maximum size of a texture of a given type.

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actual fun glReadPixels(    x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int,     format: PixelFormat): ByteArray

Reads pixels from frame buffer.

expect fun glReadPixels(    x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     width: Int,     height: Int,     format: PixelFormat = PixelFormat.RGBA): ByteArray

Reads pixels from frame buffer.

actual fun glReadPixels(    x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int,     format: PixelFormat): ByteArray

Reads pixels from frame buffer.

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actual fun glRenderbufferStorage(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Specifies format and dimensions of the image in renderbuffer.

expect fun glRenderbufferStorage(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Specifies format and dimensions of the image in renderbuffer.

actual fun glRenderbufferStorage(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Specifies format and dimensions of the image in renderbuffer.

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actual fun glShaderSource(shaderHandle: Int, source: String)

Sets source of the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

expect fun glShaderSource(shaderHandle: Int, source: String)

Sets source of the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

actual fun glShaderSource(shaderHandle: Int, source: String)

Sets source of the shader identified by a given shaderHandle.

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actual fun glTexImage2D(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int,     pixelFormat: TexturePixelFormat,     pixelType: TexturePixelType,     pixelData: ByteArray?)

Specifies a 2D texture image.

expect fun glTexImage2D(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int,     pixelFormat: TexturePixelFormat,     pixelType: TexturePixelType,     pixelData: ByteArray?)

Specifies a 2D texture image.

actual fun glTexImage2D(    internalFormat: TextureInternalFormat,     width: Int,     height: Int,     pixelFormat: TexturePixelFormat,     pixelType: TexturePixelType,     pixelData: ByteArray?)

Specifies a 2D texture image.

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actual fun glTexParameterFilter(    type: TextureType,     minFilter: TextureMinFilter,     magFilter: TextureMagFilter)

Sets texture minifying and magnifying filters for the currently selected texture of a given type.

expect fun glTexParameterFilter(    type: TextureType,     minFilter: TextureMinFilter,     magFilter: TextureMagFilter)

Sets texture minifying and magnifying filters for the currently selected texture of a given type.

actual fun glTexParameterFilter(    type: TextureType,     minFilter: TextureMinFilter,     magFilter: TextureMagFilter)

Sets texture minifying and magnifying filters for the currently selected texture of a given type.

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actual fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

expect fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

actual fun glTexParameterWrap(    type: TextureType,     wrapS: TextureWrap,     wrapT: TextureWrap)

Sets wrap parameter for texture coordinates S and T for the currently selected texture of a given type.

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actual fun glTextureIndices(): IntRange

Returns a range of indices supported by glActiveTexture.

expect fun glTextureIndices(): IntRange

Returns a range of indices supported by glActiveTexture.

actual fun glTextureIndices(): IntRange

Returns a range of indices supported by glActiveTexture.

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actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec2)

Sets value of 2D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec3)

Sets value of 3D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec4)

Sets value of 4D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec2)

Sets values of 2D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec3)

Sets values of 3D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec4)

Sets values of 4D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Boolean)

Sets value of boolean uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Float)

Sets value of floating point uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Float)

Sets values of floating point array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Int)

Sets value of integer uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Int)

Sets values of integer array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat2,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 2×2 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat3,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 3×3 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat4,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 4×4 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec2)

Sets value of 2D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec3)

Sets value of 3D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec4)

Sets value of 4D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec2)

Sets values of 2D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec3)

Sets values of 3D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec4)

Sets values of 4D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Boolean)

Sets value of boolean uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Float)

Sets value of floating point uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Float)

Sets values of floating point array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Int)

Sets value of integer uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Int)

Sets values of integer array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat2,     transpose: Boolean = false)

Sets values of 2×2 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat3,     transpose: Boolean = false)

Sets values of 3×3 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

expect fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat4,     transpose: Boolean = false)

Sets values of 4×4 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec2)

Sets value of 2D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec3)

Sets value of 3D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Vec4)

Sets value of 4D vector uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec2)

Sets values of 2D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec3)

Sets values of 3D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Vec4)

Sets values of 4D vector array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Boolean)

Sets value of boolean uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Float)

Sets value of floating point uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Float)

Sets values of floating point array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, value: Int)

Sets value of integer uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(location: Int, vararg values: Int)

Sets values of integer array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat2,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 2×2 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat3,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 3×3 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

actual fun glUniform(    location: Int,     vararg values: Mat4,     transpose: Boolean)

Sets values of 4×4 matrix array uniform variable at a given location for current program.

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actual fun glUseProgram(programHandle: Int)

Uses a program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glUseProgram(programHandle: Int)

Uses a program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glUseProgram(programHandle: Int)

Uses a program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glValidateProgram(programHandle: Int)

Validates program identified by a given programHandle.

expect fun glValidateProgram(programHandle: Int)

Validates program identified by a given programHandle.

actual fun glValidateProgram(programHandle: Int)

Validates program identified by a given programHandle.

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actual fun glVertexAttribPointer(    location: Int,     vectorSize: Int,     normalized: Boolean,     stride: Int,     offset: Int)

Sets vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

expect fun glVertexAttribPointer(    location: Int,     vectorSize: Int,     normalized: Boolean = false,     stride: Int = 0,     offset: Int = 0)

Sets vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

actual fun glVertexAttribPointer(    location: Int,     vectorSize: Int,     normalized: Boolean,     stride: Int,     offset: Int)

Sets vertex attributes array at a given location for current program.

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actual fun glViewport(    x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Sets the viewport to have its bottom-left corner at (x, y), and a given width and height.

expect fun glViewport(    x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Sets the viewport to have its bottom-left corner at (x, y), and a given width and height.

actual fun glViewport(    x: Int,     y: Int,     width: Int,     height: Int)

Sets the viewport to have its bottom-left corner at (x, y), and a given width and height.

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actual fun glVSync(vSync: VSync): Boolean

Sets given vSync mode.

expect fun glVSync(vSync: VSync): Boolean

Sets given vSync mode.

actual fun glVSync(vSync: VSync): Boolean

Sets given vSync mode.


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fun GlimpseAdapter.createBitmap(    x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     width: Int,     height: Int): Bitmap

Creates a new Bitmap from the rendered image.

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fun GlimpseAdapter.createImage(    x: Int = 0,     y: Int = 0,     width: Int,     height: Int): Image

Creates a new Image from the rendered image.

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inline fun GlimpseAdapter.withFramebuffer(framebuffer: Framebuffer, crossinline block: GlimpseAdapter.() -> Unit)

Runs block of instructions with given framebuffer bound.